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bigamy - bigamous

前言:重婚罪英语怎么说?网友解答:bigamy offence of bigamy 重婚罪 重婚 Bigamy is considered to be against law in many countries. 在许多国家重婚都被看作是违反法律的。竞选州长中十个罪


网友解答:bigamy offence of bigamy 重婚罪 重婚 Bigamy is considered to be against law in many countries. 在许多国家重婚都被看作是违反法律的。




网友解答:1. Perjury 2. Theft 3. Shui corpse sin 4. Wine crazy 5. Bribery crimes 6. Blackmail crime 7. Arson 8. Murder 9. The crime of abuse of power 10. Bigamy 就是这几个吧!你可以好好看看的 ...


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网友解答:媾 媾 gòu (形声。从女,冓(góu)声。本义:交互为婚姻,亲上结亲)同本义 [bigamy]媾,重婚也。——《说文》今将婚媾以从秦。——《国语·晋语》恢复亲善友好的关系,讲和,交好 [negotiate peace]媾,和好也...


网友解答:and pay the truth, however, before a moment, suddenly made lawyers and accused the Rochester of bigamy only he is the original wife mad, happy life fleeting, Jane Eyre from Rochester, two into the abyss o...


网友解答:回答:The provision commit bigamy a behavior purpose to lie in protection monogamy degree and legal of marriage family relation, protection the party concerned of legal rights.From our country marriage method ...


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bigamy - bigamous