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neural computing - neurocomputing被踢出sci

前言:Neural computing & applications 是不是sci网友解答:属于SCIE的,级别较低,我看了几篇文章,里面错误一堆.请问Neural Computing & Applications 审稿周期多久?网友解答:我投这个期刊的影片论文都两

Neural computing & applications 是不是sci


请问Neural Computing & Applications 审稿周期多久?

网友解答:我投这个期刊的影片论文都两个月了,还是Editor Assignment Pending!效率真低。

natural computing 是不是sci

网友解答:Natural Computing [1567-7818] 期刊详细信息 期刊名称Natural Computing 缩略题名NAT COMPUT 缩略题名NAT. COMPUT ISSN:1567-7818 LCCN:2004243478 同行评议:是   本刊收录在: Ei Compendex (2013年)   本刊收录在: Ei Compendex...

IEEE是那几个单词的缩写?IEEE Trans. on Neural Ne...

网友解答:IEEE是Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers的缩写,读作: I Triple E,中文名字为:电气电子工程师学会。IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks中文叫做:IEEE神经网络学报Neurocomputing是一个刊物,可以翻译为:神经计算学报。

四川大学 吕建成 怎么样??有人知道吗?

网友解答:近年来已在IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,IEEE Transactions on SMC part B, Theoretical Computer Science, Neurocomputing, Neural Processing letters, Neural Computing and Ap...


网友解答:uncertainty and partial truth to achieve tractability, robustness and low solution cost. The focus is to publish the highest quality research in application and convergence of the areas of Fuzzy Logic, Neural Netw...


网友解答:[44] Graves, Alex, et al. 使用带有动力外部内存的神经网络的混合计算(Hybrid computing using a neural network with dynamic external memory.)(里程碑,结合上述论文的思想)2.6 深度强化学习 [45] Mnih, Volodymyr,...

neural computing amp;application 投稿求助

网友解答:你好,大部分期刊的投稿状态如下,供参考,时间就要看各个期刊了,不同的期刊千差万别。 1. Submitted to Journal 刚提交的状态 2. Manuscript received by Editorial Office 就是你的文章到了编辑手里了,证明投稿成功 3. With editor如果在投

journal of neural,parallel and scientific comp...

网友解答:就是 Neural, Parallel, and Scientific Computations 这个吧。。


网友解答:In his book, “World without secrets: Business, Crime and Privacy in the Age of Ubiquitous computing,” Richard Hunter states that technology has not halted a march towards a time when people are surrounded ...

neural computing - neurocomputing被踢出sci